
Thursday, April 19, 2012

custom authorization with session using asp.net mvc 3

3:33 AM

In this post i am going to explain how to create your own custom authorization in asp.net MVC there are lots of resources about this on internet but i found this by my own way so may be its help you to solve your problem,In this example i am going to use IAuthorizationFilter interface for define my own custom attribute for MVC Controller and actions.

Step:1 Create Authorization Class

    Imports System.Web.Mvc
    Imports _of = StructureMap.ObjectFactory

    Public Class Authorization
        Inherits FilterAttribute
        Implements IAuthorizationFilter

        Private _roles() As OpenIDUser.Roles

        Sub New(ByVal ParamArray roles() As OpenIDUser.Roles)
            _roles = roles
        End Sub

        Public Sub OnAuthorization(ByVal filterContext As System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext) Implements System.Web.Mvc.IAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorization
            Dim session = filterContext.HttpContext.Session
            Dim u As OpenIDUser = Session("CurrentUser")
            Dim IsLoggedIn As Boolean = Session("IsLoggedIn")

            If IsLoggedIn Then
                Dim UserRoleIds As List(Of Short) = u.UserRoles.Select(Function(ur) ur.RoleID).ToList
                For Each r In _roles
                    If Not UserRoleIds.Contains(r) Then

                        filterContext.Result = New RedirectResult("~/Account/Openidlogin")

                    End If

                filterContext.Result = New RedirectResult("~/Account/Openidlogin?returnUrl=" & filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.ToString)
            End If

        End Sub

    End Class

Authorization class is derived from FilterAttributeso we can use this class as controller and actions attribute and Implements IAuthorizationFilter that contain Method OnAuthorization which fire before Action executes so we can put our authorization logic in side that method.

In OnAuthorization method we get this current user from session,which we would create when user login and also one key IsLoggedIn we put in session when user logged in. that we get here and check if user IsLoggedIn then in next step we get user roles that we are going to pass through Attribute when define on Action Methods and check user's roled available in roles that we passed if not then we set this Result property of filtercontext to new Redirect result that redirect user to login view.

Step:2 Use Authorization class as action or controller attribute.

       Public Class TestController
        Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller

         <Authorization(OpenIDUser.Roles.Authorized, OpenIDUser.Roles.User)> _
         Function AuthorizationNeeded() As ViewResult
            'Add code here
        End Function
    End Class

Now test this action with implementation of session.this also work in whole controller.