In my previous post i show the use of different type of actionresult. that's all are built in MVC framework. ...
Play with action result in MVC
MVC provides many different type of ActionResult for create a response of action all those result are derived from ActionResul...
Easy way to Test Routes in mvc
In my previous post I explain how to create advance routing system.but testing is one of thing that need in each and every step o...
Create custom route Handler
All routes we define is relied on default MvcRouteHandler . it connects routing system to MVC framework. Routing system also allo...
Advance Routing in MVC 3
Introducing URL Patterns The routing system works its magic using a set of routes. These routes collectively compose the URL...
Constraining Routes in MVC 3
In my previous post i show you how to control URL Request by using routing pattern.when route is matched and values of different s...
Customizing Routing System in MVC 3
if you don't like a way Routing system handle route you can create your own way to handle route by deriving class from Ro...