There are lots of way to execute file using installing a software and sending command to remote computer, but windows has some feature that allow computer administrator to execute file remotely.
Windows has special hidden share named Admin$ that allow administrator to push programs and settings to remote computer using administrator privileged.
By default in windows 7 and 8 admin share are disabled. To enable it visit this post Enable admin share in windows 7 and 8.
Make sure file and printer sharing service is On in remote computer. After enabling admin share and file and printer sharing service. Download Intelliadmin Network Administrator 3.
Intelliadmin network administrator is great tool for administrator to manage computer remotely. It has common build in feature that helps administrator to make their task easy.
Execute file to remote computer
- Start network administrator. Write ip address or select computer from button next to text box.
- Click Select Action button and select Remote Execute and click ok.
- Write a executable path (on remote computer if "Do not copy file to remote host is selected", otherwise path to copy file on). Select below options and click finish.
- Type domain administrator password if remote computer is joined domain or local account username and password with workgroup name and press Click to Start button.
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